Our mission is to modernise software using AI for small builders and trades

Hailing from the vibrant city of Brisbane, Australia, our team of dedicated local development and support professionals are perfectly aligned with your timezone. Experience seamless collaboration and unrivalled expertise, as we take pride in providing exceptional services tailored to your needs. Discover the difference of working with a truly local partner, where communication and efficiency are at the heart of our success.

At CountBricks, our goal is to provide you with the most reliable and user-friendly construction estimating solutions available. Our cutting-edge artificial intelligence (AI) estimates have revolutionized the construction industry, providing contractors with fast and accurate estimates no matter the project size. Our intuitive application enables you to quickly generate estimates, takeoffs and trade estimates, making it simpler and faster to estimate costs.

With CountBricks, you can be sure that your estimates are always accurate and up-to-date, allowing you to focus on what matters most: completing your project on time and on budget. Try our AI estimates today and take your construction estimating to the next level!

We believe that accurate estimates, takeoffs and trade estimates are essential for the success of any construction project. Our software is built on advanced AI technology that can help builders and contractors cut hours of work out of the estimating process.

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#1 AI App for Construction & Trades

Our story

We are on a mission to make the lives of small builders easier and to provide first class software solutions. We have a deep understanding of how the building industry works. Our aim is to support builders to enable them to be as successful as possible in their trade.

The founder of Countbricks.com has created several successful software solutions for Maintenance, POS and POD. This background means we appreciate the wider issues faced by the building industry.

Only a few software solutions existed, which were difficult to use and incompatible with mobile devices. We have developed the world’s first and only mobile first takeoff and estimating app designed for the construction industry.

Our collaborative estimating software targets residential, commercial and civil construction projects. We provide an AI-driven software that quickly gives builders and contractors estimates, takeoffs and trade estimates.

Our advanced AI engine quickly produces accurate estimates for builders and contractors, saving them time and money. Our software is specifically designed to enable builders and contractors to submit estimated costings quickly and accurately, helping them to win more business and deliver excellent customer service.