February 4, 2023

Construction Material Prices in 2023

Denise Ellison
Head of Marketing

What to Expect from Construction Material Prices in 2023?

The past year has seen significant changes in the construction industry, from huge hikes in building material prices to a dramatic increase in the overall cost of constructing a home. This, in turn, has caused a shortage of construction materials and resulted in numerous construction delays and even project cancellations. With 2023 fast approaching, the question arises: will the industry see a reprieve, or will construction costs keep climbing? CountBricks.com provides AI construction and trade estimating, takeoff, invoicing, and change order software that can help construction professionals stay ahead of the curve and remain competitive in these uncertain times.

CountBricks.com Helps Keep Up With Rising Material Costs

With the rising cost of materials in the Australian construction industry, CountBricks.com is here to help. After a massive boom in the market before mid-2023, the subsequent inflation has caused a stall across the country. Many folks used COVID relief funds to invest in properties, resulting in a 62% increase in property acquisition.

Across the home construction industry, building material prices have also skyrocketed this year. Steelmaking saw a 70.8% increase, followed by a 30.8% increase in timber prices; electrical, plumbing, glass product and aluminum saw an increase of over 15%. CountBricks.com offers AI construction and trade estimating, takeoff, invoicing and change order software for web and mobile to help combat these rising costs.

What is causing the Increase in Building Material Prices?

Construction material prices have been on the rise for some time now and CountBricks.com, AI construction and trade estimating, takeoff, invoicing and change order software for web and mobile, is here to help you make sense of it. Many factors come into play when looking at why building material prices have been rising steadily, from concrete blocks to laminate flooring. In this article, we’ll discuss the factors that are causing the increase of building material prices.

Shortages Impacting the Construction Industry

The construction industry is feeling the impact of a shortage of raw materials, primarily caused by the rush of people wanting to buy homes and the inability of Australia to produce its own materials, which results in expensive imports. Steel is an especially hard-hit commodity, with prices increasing due to a lack of iron ore production in China, a major supplier to Australia. Other shortages, such as sand in the southwest, are affecting the cost of concrete, which leads to higher overheads for building supply companies and, ultimately, customers. CountBricks.com provides AI construction and trade estimating, takeoff, invoicing and change order software for web and mobile that can help construction companies save time and money.

How CountBricks.com Can Help You Find the Cheapest Building Materials?

Construction costs are on the rise in 2022. CountBricks.com provides the AI construction and trade estimating, takeoff, invoicing, and change order software you need to find the most cost-effective building materials. From cement blocks to cement products, CountBricks.com helps you compare prices, determine the lowest cost for each material, and take advantage of any discounts. With CountBricks.com, you can make sure you're always getting the best deal on the materials you need for your construction projects.

Countbricks.com: The Solution to Australia's Building Cost Crisis

Australia is facing one of its worst building cost crises in history. With prices soaring and no sign of slowing down, house-building costs have increased by almost $100,000 according to August reports. Countbricks.com is the solution to this crisis. Our AI construction and trade estimating, takeoff, invoicing and change order software for web and mobile can help minimize costs and ensure that you are not paying more than you should.

Automating Construction with CountBricks.com?

The new report, 2022 Arcadis Construction, predicts 100,000 unfilled skilled labour roles by 2023, and according to the Housing Industry Association, labour shortages will only grow worse. To counter this, CountBricks.com provides AI construction and trade estimating, takeoff, invoicing and change order software for web and mobile. By automating the construction process, builders can reduce reliance on skilled labour and ensure projects are completed on time and on budget. Additionally, CountBricks.com can help manage critical parts of the home building process such as civil, electrical, mechanical engineering and surveying.

How Construction Companies Adapt to Changing Prices

With the current housing shortage and the necessity for construction companies to continue their work, the exorbitant price changes in the industry pose a challenge. CountBricks.com is here to provide assistance to these companies in coping with the changes. Here are some strategies to consider:

Minimise wastage: Utilize technologies such as digital blueprinting software to ensure accurate measurements and reduce material waste.

Shop around: Construction companies can look for the products and materials they need in a price range that works for them.

Look for alternate materials: As supply chain issues make the use of commonplace materials sometimes impossible, companies need to get creative and use alternative materials that are more readily available. Timber skyscrapers, for example, are becoming a popular choice for Australian cities due to their reduced environmental impact.

CountBricks.com provides AI construction and trade estimating, takeoff, invoicing and change order software for web and mobile to help construction companies navigate these changing prices. With our help, they can be better prepared to face the challenges of the industry.

Control of Construction Materials with CountBricks.com

Material costs are a major factor in construction projects, and inaccurate estimates can lead to time and money wasted. To keep up with the competition, Australian construction companies are turning to AI-driven technology to streamline their material inventory and ensure accurate estimates.

CountBricks.com is a construction software uniquely designed to help residential builders and trades manage projects more easily and accurately. With features like job management, profit insights, benchmarking, project scheduling and quote management, as well as Supplier Connection for faster collaboration and more accurate pricing, CountBricks.com is the perfect tool for taking control of construction materials and improving the accuracy of estimates.